Online Form II (Energy)

"All the creatures of the earth feel like us, all creatures strive for happiness as we do.
All the creatures of the earth love, suffer and die like us, so they are like the works of the almighty Creator - our brothers. "

Francis of Assisi

Online Form II

for energy treatments

Please note:

Step 1:
Fill out the online form.

Step 2:
Wait for the billing.

Step 3:
Please transfer the amount by bank transfer.
Step 4:
Once the amount has been received, we make an appointment for treatment.
Please note that I can not prefer regular requests. They are processed after the payment date. I thank you for your understanding!

Step 5:
One day after the treatment there will be a personal meeting for debriefing.

Contact us

Energy remote treatment
Energetisches Reading
a pet

Ich nehme die Data protection  zur Kenntnis. Durch die Auswahl stimme ich der Freigabe meiner Formularantworten zu. Ich kann dieser Einwilligung jederzeit mit einer Email an widersprechen.

"God wants us to assist the animals when needed, every creature in distress has the same right to protection."

Francis of Assisi
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